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176 Articles

Is Consumer Legal Funding a loan? Why does it matter?

By John Freund |

The following article was contributed by Eric Schuller, President of the Alliance for Responsible Consumer Legal Funding (ARC).

The classification of Consumer Legal Funding as a loan is more than mere semantics. Consumer Legal Funding is the purchase of an asset; that being a portion of the proceeds of the consumer’s legal claim. This form of investment allows the consumer to access much needed support in order to obtain the financial assistance they need while their claim is making its way through the system.

You may ask yourself, so why does this matter?

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“True Sales” in Litigation Funding Agreements

By John Freund |

The following article was contributed by John Hanley and Douglas Schneller of Rimon Law, P.C

An issue that keeps some litigation funders up at night concerns the possibility of a claimant filing for bankruptcy after receiving funding and before their underlying case is resolved.  Proceeds from the case may become property of the bankruptcy estate and made available to the transferor’s creditors.  A carefully drafted litigation funding agreement (“LFA”) can increase the likelihood that the right to receive a portion of litigation proceeds is legally isolated (like the island in the picture above) and beyond the reach of the transferor’s creditors or a bankruptcy trustee.[1]

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Litigation Finance News

Key Takeaways from LFJs Q4 2020 Commercial Litigation Funding Roundup

By John Freund |

On Thursday December 17th, Litigation Finance Journal hosted a special 1-hour panel discussion on the major events impacting the commercial litigation funding industry. Panelists included Omni Bridgeway CEO Andrew Saker (AS), Therium Co-Founder and CIO Neil Purslow (NP), and LCM CEO Patrick Moloney (PM). The panel was moderated by Ed Truant (ET), founder of Slingshot Capital. Below are some highlights from the discussion.

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Clarifying the Ethics and Responsibilities Inherent in Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

The following is a contributed piece from Nick Rowles-Davies, Executive Vice Chairman of Litigation Capital Management. Along with Andrew Saker, CEO of Omni Bridgeway, and Neil Purslow, Co-Founder of Therium, Nick will be a panelist on LFJ’s upcoming special digital conference — an industry roundup of the major events impacting commercial litigation funding in 2020, and what to expect in 2021. 

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Operating Costs inherent in the Commercial Litigation Finance Asset Class (Part 2 of 2)

By John Freund |

The following article is part of an ongoing column titled ‘Investor Insights.’ 

Brought to you by Ed Truant, founder and content manager of Slingshot Capital, ‘Investor Insights’ will provide thoughtful and engaging perspectives on all aspects of investing in litigation finance. 

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Operating Costs inherent in the Commercial Litigation Finance Asset Class (Part 1 of 2)

By John Freund |

The following article is part of an ongoing column titled ‘Investor Insights.’ 

Brought to you by Ed Truant, founder and content manager of Slingshot Capital, ‘Investor Insights’ will provide thoughtful and engaging perspectives on all aspects of investing in litigation finance. 

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ABA Adopts Guidance in Third-Party Litigation Funding

By John Freund |

This article was contributed by Eric Schuller, President of the Alliance for Responsible Consumer Legal Funding (ARC).

On August 3, 2020, The American Bar Association (ABA) House of Delegates, by a vote of 366-10, voted to adopt the resolution for “Best Practices for Third-Party Litigation Funding”. This established a slew of national guidelines that law firms, consumers and legal funding companies should follow.

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Litigation Finance is Cheaper Than You Might Think!

By John Freund |

The following was contributed by Matthew Pitchers, Head of Investment Valuation at Augusta Ventures

I was in conversation the other day with a prospective user of our finance – a law firm who will remain nameless. The conversation was going well, very well in fact, until those seven words came up: “what is it going to cost me?”. I replied that our fee would be based on the higher of a multiple on the funds deployed or a set percentage of damages awarded. After a few seconds of silence which felt like an eternity, the response I got back was “that is very expensive, and I don’t think my client will go for it”.

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Key Takeaways from LFJ’s Digital Conference on Covid’s Impact on Consumer Legal Funding

By John Freund |

On June 11th, Litigation Finance Journal held a special digital conference on Covid’s impact on the Consumer Legal Funding industry. The panel discussion was moderated by Dan Avnir, Managing Director at Bryant Park Capital. Panelists included Eric Schuller, President of the Alliance for Responsible Consumer Legal Funding (ARC), Kevin Confoy, Chief Risk Officer of GloFin, Paul Galsterer, Founding Partner of The Injury Firm, Lawrence Yablon, Partner at Robinson Yablon PC, and Anthony Sebok, Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Jacob Burns Center for Ethics in the Practice of Law at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.  

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Litigation Funding May Be a Lifeline for Businesses and Law Firms Distressed by Coronavirus Shutdown

By John Freund |

The following piece was contributed by Joshua Libling, Portfolio Counsel at Validity Finance, LLC.

Litigation finance has always billed itself as a way of helping meritorious claims regardless of the economic strength of the litigant. The coronavirus pandemic is now exerting enormous and growing stress on law firms and clients. If ever there was a moment for litigation finance to live up to its own hype, this is it. We think it can.

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Stimulus for The Legal Industry

By John Freund |

The following piece was contributed by Louis Young, Managing Director of Augusta Ventures

The Legal Services industry, like many others, is today racing to come to terms with the implications of coronavirus. A range of impacts have been felt to date, including cases being put on hold, staffing concerns and critically, cash flow issues. With clients under pressure, bills aren’t being paid and pipeline looks increasingly uncertain. Alongside this, law firms have high fixed costs, particularly staff, so income is urgently needed.

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A Prognosis for Civil Litigation in the U.S.

By John Freund |

The following piece was contributed by Eric Blinderman, Chief Executive Officer (U.S.) at Therium Capital Management. This piece was originally published on Mr. Blinderman’s LinkedIn page.  To learn more about Therium and their U.S. operations, visit them at their website

Approximately two weeks ago, the world as we know it changed.

Every assumption that governed our daily lives was uprooted. Grabbing a bite to eat with friends stopped. For most, commuting to work ceased. Touching an elevator button became tinged with the fear of contracting an unknown disease. Riding a subway and hearing the person next to you cough caused panic. Stock markets collapsed and businesses across the country simply shut their doors, laying off millions. Courts shut down.

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Key Takeaways from Boeing Bankruptcy Discussion with Aerospace Experts

By John Freund |

Boeing is one of the cornerstones of the global aerospace industry, yet the company is experiencing tumultuous times. The grounding of its 737 Max airplane in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak caused the company to book over $20Bn in charges, and some are worried about liquidity issues, and even bankruptcy. 

On Thursday, LFJ hosted a panel discussion with a pair of experts on the Aerospace industry regarding the fate of Boeing, and the future of the industry. 

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